Wednesday, June 24, 2009

NLP Anchoring

What is an Anchor?

Anchoring is a way to trigger an instant recall of an emotion, thought, or picture.

The most well known study on anchoring was done by Ivan Pavlov. Pavlov, had two dogs that he was experimenting with (I know that sounds bad, but hang in there). Right before he would feed the dogs, he would ring a bell. Then, after a certain period of time, he would ring the bell and the dogs would begin to salivate.

Whether known or unknown, people have tons of anchors. Someone could hear a song and it would remind them of a time, or an event.

A person could smell the Cologne or perfume of a complete stranger and it would remind them of someone else.

Or how about the smell of fresh baked chocolate chip cookies, yum! Reminds me of growing up as a child.

Anchors can be produced in any of the five senses. In fact, every time I see a red, late '80's Toyota Celica it reminds me of someone and I get an awful feeling.

The good news is, people can create positive anchors, and trigger any feeling they desire at will! How cool is that!

An anchor is created when a person is in a strong emotional state and something happens over and over again. For instance, if I was to gently touch my wife's earlobe and whisper, I love you, and did that over and over again, eventually all I would have to do is touch her earlobe and presto chango, she feels loved.

1 comment:

  1. Very well written Josh! Clear and concise. Definitely save the Red Truck trigger for the boot camp.

    We can also show you how to amplify the positive anchors between you and your wife. :o)

    Mark Shepard, NLPT
